This blog is not kept up very well, our lives are crazy, busy, and extremely eventful. I am going to try harder so everyone can follow our fun!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Zoo
'Alia' and I went to the zoo, with grandma. We love the zoo and all the animals. Italia is much more comfortable around all the crazy animals than I am. I didn't even like the statue tiger. He was scary! We both love the monkeys the most!
I am 19 months old now and I go go go! (Just ask my mom)I have big beautiful blue eyes, and light brown hair. I am 34 inches tall and weight 23 pounds. The doctor says I am tall and skinny. Maybe he means fluffy :) I love to play with my dollies! My favorite foods are BOK BOK (chicken nuggets) and PIZZA! I LOVE AWBIDIES!! AW-beh-dies (strawberries)
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